Après la Pluie
Martine Rastello
Visual poetry Artist's books
WORKSHOPS : Create your own artist’s books
As well as making my own artist’s books and exhibiting them, I also teach courses and run workshops in that field. These workshops are accessible to anyone who loves paper, books, words and art, to beginners as well as confirmed artists.
An artist’s book can be something quite simple to realise with very simple binding techniques such as accordion books but also something more elaborate, more architectural. In any case, creating something personal from paper, ink, paint, natural objects or recycled materials is always very satisfying and anyone can easily achieve nice results.
You will learn tips for folding and working with paper as well as various techniques of painting, printing, glueing, stitching, using different materials. The possibilities are endless.


Japanese stab binding

Book object

Oversized leporello

Livres pauvres


Nature Book

Pick up, Reuse, Recycle – A friendly book for the environment